
When a team wins the championship, their fans start chanting, “We’re #1! We’re #1! We’re #1!” Some fans will even wear giant foam fingers with #1 painted on them. They want everyone to know that they love their team the most.

What’s #1 in your life? God, who is a jealous God, wants to be at the top in your life. He tells you to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength” (Deuteronomy 6:5).

How can you do that? I mean, really, that’s a huge command from God. On your own, you can’t. However, when you were baptized, the Holy Spirit came to live inside of you. So you do love the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. It’s just that sometimes you forget and put sports or school or electronics or friends first in your life. Because you were baptized, you are forgiven for when God comes in second or third or fourth place.

Today, remember that your most important job is to love God. When you love God most, it’s like you are wearing a giant foam finger that points the way to heaven. People will see your life and will be able to tell that you are cheering, “God’s #1! God’s #1! God’s #1!”

Chomp on this!

What in your life has pushed God to second, third, or fourth place?

How can you do all the things you love to do and make sure that you love God most?

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