10 Easy Ways to Serve Someone Today

Is serving really a big deal? According to Jesus, it is. 

In Mark 10:45, Jesus said “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Jesus showed us through His actions that serving others is important.  

When we truly understand what Jesus has done for us, we desperately want others to know Him and to find the same joy and hope we have. Telling people is not enough. We have to show them. In James 2:18, Jesus’ own brother wrote “Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.” The way we serve people shows them who Jesus is.  

10 practical ways we can serve someone today:

1.  Help your family. (Romans 12:10)

When was the last time you cleaned the dishes or made dinner, not because it was your turn, but just because you can? It’s easy to forget that the ones we need to serve the most are often the ones closest to you. How would the attitudes in our homes change if we started each day by asking, “How can I help you today?” then followed through on the response. 

 2. Volunteer at church.  (Peter 4:10-11)

The people who greet you on the way into service, the folks who create copies for KidSpring, writers like me — we’re not superhuman. God isn’t looking for super-Christians; He’s building the church with normal people just like you. 

We all have at least one spiritual gift. What do you enjoy doing? What do others say you’re good at? What’s your schedule look like? These kind of questions can help you discover the place where God wants you to serve the church.

3. Donate items to a homeless shelter.  (Matthew 25:46)

We all have more than we need. Get the family together and clean out the house gathering clothes, toys, books and coats to donate.  

4. Send someone an encouraging note. (1 Thessalonians 5:11)

Encouragement is a gift we can give that costs us nothing. Pick a friend or family member each week and send an email, text or handwritten note telling that person you are proud of them, that you’re praying for them, or that you’re here to help. 

5. Deliver a meal. (Acts 20:35)

When you make dinner, double that recipe and take it to someone who may need a helping hand. A busy mother, a sick friend, or an elderly neighbor would love a night free from worrying about what’s for dinner. 

6. Watch someone’s kids. (Hebrews 13:16)

Do you know a young family that could use a date night? Call them up and offer to babysit...for free! 

7. Help other people shine. (Philippians 2:3)

We want people to acknowledge our accomplishments and our successes, but in Philippians, Paul tells us to consider others better than ourselves. Helping others showcase their gifts and talents is an awesome way to serve someone else.   

8.  Listen. (James 1:19)

Take time to sit with your kids, a friend, your spouse, or a neighbor and just listen to them. Make a point to put your own agenda aside, and focus on what someone else has to say! 

9. Pay it forward. (Proverbs 11:24-25)

While in line at the grocery store, coffee shop, or a fast food place, pay for the person behind you, no strings attached. Your generosity could make someone’s day.   

10. Anticipate serving.  (Galatians 6:9)

One of the best ways to find opportunities to serve is ask God to give them to you. God will definitely answer, so be ready to jump in whenever the Holy Spirit nudges you.  

Written by Anna Collins

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