10 Optimal Places for Praying

Prayer is one of the easiest things we can do, yet, we are typically so bad at it! Do you ever feel like you never take time to pray?  While we can pray anywhere and at any time, I have found that there are some optimal places for my prayer life.

Here are my top 10:

1. In the shower. I don’t know what it is about the shower, but it has become a place of clarity for me. Maybe it is because it is one of the few places I slow down long enough to hear God.

2. In the car. I happen to like driving so I have never minded my commute to work. With my praise and worship music playing in the background, it creates the best atmosphere for prayer.

3. In that special place. For a season, I had a small alter in my sitting room, and that was a great place to go for solace. My kids were small then, and I couldn’t wait until all were tucked in and I could get alone with God. Perhaps you have created a similar space or prayer closet?

4. At Meals. Even on the busiest of days, we still manage to find time to eat.  So why not use that time to bow our heads and offer a prayer of thanksgiving?

5. At the gym. Exercising does the heart good, right? It can also be the perfect place to work some things out in prayer.

6. In bed. This is my least favorite place, but probably the most common. How many times have you laid your head down to pray and end up asleep before you know it?  If this seems like the most practical place for you, then make sure you discipline yourself to stay awake!

7. At church. If you can’t pray in the holy house of God, then where can you pray? I love taking a few minutes to close my eyes before the service starts in order to prepare my heart to hear the preaching of God’s precious Word.

8. At work. I’ll never forget my grandmother praying aloud while she did her household chores. We may possibly be able to take small prayer breaks while transitioning from one task to the other on the job.  When I come across a task that does not require attention to details, those are the moments I can use for prayer.

9. At Bible study. Whether you do it with a group or during your personal time, stop and ask God to speak to you through His Word. We often forget to seek the Lord during our Bible reading time. See if it doesn't improve your Bible study.

10. Your favorite place, which is?

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Pray on!


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