10 Reasons Volunteers are Blessed

The Church of the Lord Jesus has been the greatest force in the world for the past 2,000 years because it has the most motivated volunteers in the world.

Volunteering is so important that Jesus taught us to pray first and foremost for more laborers in His harvest (Matthew 9:37-38).

The following are reasons why every Christian should become a volunteer:

I. The pay is great

a. The misconception is that volunteers do not get paid. The truth of the matter is volunteers do not work for monetary pay but get paid better than anyone else. Read John 4:36.

b. The favor of God is greater than monetary gain (Luke 6:38).

c. Who provided for Anna the Prophetess? (Luke 2:37)

II. Service shows you have experienced God personally

a. Read Psalm 110:3.

b. Anyone touched by God wants to do something for Him. Read Acts 9:4-6; Luke 4:38-39.

III. Jesus said the greatest in the kingdom is the one who serves

a. Read Luke 22:24-27.

b. God will not make great those that sit on their butts, always complaining or thinking about getting fed.

IV. Volunteers act like Jesus

a. Read Mark 10:45.

V. Those who serve are greatly exalted by God

a. Read Philippians 2:5-11.

b. God has a soft spot for those who serve Him. He will somehow lift them up to a higher place of honor and esteem.

VI. Volunteering tests our monetary motives

a. Matthew 6:24: Some folk only want to do something for God if they get paid. Even full-time ministers must have a heart for God and sacrifice in ways that are greater than their monetary salary.

VII. Volunteers learn team ministry

a. You cannot master certain sports like baseball or basketball until you join a team, no matter how much you practice dribbling a basketball or swinging a bat.

b. You learn to function like the human body. Read 1 Corinthians 12:14-21.

VIII. Volunteers discover their gifts and purpose

a. Read Proverbs 11:24.

b. When I first came to Christ, I helped the ushers serve communion, picked people up on Sundays and brought them to church, became the bus captain of my district and made sure people were brought to our church in Staten Island, performed in a church play as Joseph, prayed for the sick every Sunday, served on the platform as one of the ministers, lugged equipment back and forth on Seventh Avenue when we held evangelistic meetings, etc.

c. All of the original apostles first functioned as “gophers” for Jesus before they were fully released as apostles.

d. Joshua was called “the servant of Moses” before he took over as the leader of Israel.

e. Elisha served Elijah before he received his prophetic mantle (2 Kings 3:11).

IX. Volunteering makes you feel good about yourself

a. Read Proverbs 11:25.

b. The ones doing the word of God are the ones getting fed by God; read John 4:31-32.

c. Just hearing the word week after week is not enough for your spiritual growth; volunteering will enable you to continue on the growth continuum.

X. You have more ownership and “buy-in” with the church

a. Those who invest time and energy appreciate the things of God more.

b. Those who invest time and energy appreciate the benefit of the church more.

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