10 Tips Every Job Seeker Should Know

So you are looking for a job. There’s good news and bad news. The good news: You will get a job! The bad news: We just don’t know how long it will take. Your job search could last a couple of weeks or a couple of months. However long it takes, you will need to remain focused, maintain a positive attitude and realize that this is a temporary situation. Only focus on those things that you can control.  Apply a systematic approach to your job search and stay organized. You need to create a strategic plan and execute it. As you immerse yourself in the process of marketing and selling your value to your next employer remember one thing in all you do. Do your best.

Here is a list of the top 10 things you should focus on to survive your job search:

  1. People hire people computers don’t. Do your best to focus at least 75% of your time networking with your circle of influence and sharing your marketing plan with as many people who are willing to listen.
  2. Use a contact management system - what, how, when, where, and who to follow up with is something you should not have to worry about in your job search.  A contact management system solves this problem.
  3. Resume perspective – rethink about how you use your resume from a “door opener” to a “leave behind”. Use only 1 version of your resume to maintain simplicity and focus.
  4. Network with a purpose – always focus on getting yourself closer to the decision maker. Use and engage your existing network in your personal job search. Consistently ask your network who they know that hire people like you.
  5. Don’t go it alone – don’t be the lone ranger on your job search. Team up with someone in your network that will hold you accountable.
  6. Attitude is everything – fake it if you have too!  Be positive and speak the language of success… begin to visualize yourself in your new job.
  7. Follow up – on everything and leave no stone unturned. If someone offers a referral, follow up and get that information. Don’t wait for someone to call you, it will rarely happen.
  8. Manage your time wisely – use your calendar to stay focused on the important tasks of your job search. Maintain an active “To-do” list and prioritize your work based on importance.
  9. Use the phone – pick up that 500 lb. gorilla called “the telephone” and call your contacts to advance your search.  Don’t hide behind email because it’s easier.
  10. Celebrate the small successes – each small victory is huge!  Aim to achieve a small victory everyday and your job search will be a short one.
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