The Book of Job is a very important philosophical treatise on how to interpret and process pain and tragedy when it hits. Although there are some who teach this book is not relevant to the New Testament since the cross of Christ, the Book of James quotes Job as an example for us to follow (James 5:11).
While tragedy strikes many people, very few ever see everything they lost doubly restored! This book shows that in spite of God bragging about Job’s righteousness and obedience to Him, Job wasn’t exempt from trouble. The following twelve principles are essential to everyone desiring full restoration after experiencing life’s challenges.
1. Job fell to the ground in worship after news of tragedy (Job 1:20).
a. The Bible tells us to give thanks to God “in” everything, not “for” everything. God is not the author of sin and tragedy but sometimes allows the enemy to attack us.
2. Job didn’t accuse God of any wrong doing (Job 1:22).
a. Satan successfully tempted Eve to sin by accusing God’s motives (Genesis 3:1-6).
3. Job maintained his integrity in spite of satanic attacks against his family and property (Job 2:3).
a. Oftentimes, many Christians fall away from God when tragedy or trials strike because their faith is superficial and not interwoven into the very fabric of their being.
4. Job didn’t allow the back-slidden state of his family to bring him down during his time of trial (Job 2:9-10).
a. Many allow those weaker in the faith to bring them down to their level of emotional and spiritual lack during times of testing.
5. Job didn’t allow sinful talk to come out of his mouth (Job 2:10).
a. During times of testing we must be very careful what we allow to come out of our mouths because our words can control the direction of our hearts and minds (James 3:1-6).
6. Job’s commitment to God transcended his physical life and the things of this world (Job 13:15).
a. Like Paul, he lived the crucified life (Galatians 2:20).
b. Many, like those spoken about in the parable of the sower and the seed (Mark 4), backslide because of the cares of this world, desires of this world and the lust for money and material things.
7. Job maintained his faith and ultimate hope in God to redeem and resurrect him on the last day (Job 19:25-27).
a. In spite of his emotional pain, his belief in the basic tenets of the faith remained unshaken.
8. Job didn’t allow the negative words of his friends to confuse and condemn him (Job 16:2-5).
9. Job heard the voice of the Lord “out of the storm” (Job 38:1).
a. The storms in life are God’s way of showing us who we really are and what our true goals should be.
b. The storms in life provide a great opportunity to refocus your life and mission.
c. The storms in life are a great opportunity to allow God to speak to us.
10. Job stood up like a man (Job 40:7).
a. Even when tragedy strikes, men are called to continue to function in their role as leaders of their families and communities.
11. Job submitted himself to the wisdom of God’s sovereignty (Job 42:2).
a. Although God promises divine health, wealth, and an abundant life (1 Peter 2:24; John 10:10) there are times when things contrary to this happen and we must trust in God’s ultimate wisdom for allowing it.
b. In many instances, God allows certain things because of hidden sins, unbelief in His power, and numerous other issues that allow an open door to the enemy in our lives and families.
12. Job didn’t hold resentment against disloyal people around him and even prayed for them (Job 42:10).