The team is down by one point. There are 3.7 seconds left on the clock. The crowd holds its breath. The inbound's pass goes to the best shooter. The clock counts down—3, 2, 1. . . SWISH! A buzzer beater! The team runs onto the court to celebrate its victory. The stands clear as fans swarm the team.
What if you miss that shot, though? When the buzzer sounds and the ball bounces off the backboard but not through the net, your team loses. You don’t get three more seconds to try again.
God says there is a clock running on your life too, but you don’t know how much time is left. He tells you to “seek the Lord while he may be found. Call on him while he is near. Let wicked people abandon their ways. Let evil people abandon their thoughts. Let them return to the Lord, and he will show compassion to them. Let them return to our God, because he will freely forgive them” (Isaiah 55:6,7).
No one—not adults, not kids—knows, though, how much time is left on his or her personal board. Maybe it’s 70 more years, but it could be just 70 more days. That’s why—right now—God wants you to read his Word, trust in his forgiveness, and share the good news with the people around you. Do you have a friend or cousin who could use God’s good news—right now? The clock is counting down. When the buzzer sounds, we’ll swarm heaven’s court and celebrate!
Dear Lord, there are many people in the world who don't know about Jesus and what he has done for them. Use me to share Jesus' love with those around me. Amen.