3 Essentials for Long Term Success

Do you want your organization to succeed? Do you want to personally succeed in your career? Do you want your marriage to thrive?

For long-term success in any area of life you must be:

Driven by vision

Vision sets the direction you will move. It’s the aim…the mission…the goal of what needs to be done to determine success as you’ve defined it. It’s your overall purpose. Vision is necessary with anything in which you care to succeed. I’ve written much about vision, mostly from an organizational sense, but it’s important to have a vision for every area of your life.

How secure is your vision today?

Grounded in values

Values protect your pursuit of the vision from chasing paths that do not fit the heart, history, reputation and DNA of the organization or individuals involved. It’s what grounds you and keeps you from running blindly. Determining what you value as an organization or for you personally is critical to continuing to succeed.

Do you know your values?

Fueled with passion

Let me be honest here. You can have a great vision and be grounded in the best values, but never succeed. Your organization will stall. Your marriage will fail. You will never personally achieve all you desire to achieve. You also need passion. You need motivation. You need momentum. Passion encourages you to discipline for the hard work of accomplishment. It’s what prompts you to do the tedious tasks of developing systems and strategies. It’s what fuels you on days you are ready to quit. When you lose your passion you lose your guts to weather the storms of life and the vision remains a dream.

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