3 Ways to Launch a Mom Rebellion

Does anyone else feel like a complete rebel when they wake up in the morning? The entire world is really fighting us in our effort in raising kids well and for God.  

It wears my heart out, really. A constant onslaught of ideas, questions, proposals and events — it makes my head dizzy.

But see, I don’t go with the flow. I never really have while raising kids. I like to rebel–like a teenager whose dad told her she couldn’t wear make-up, slapping on awesome red lipstick as soon as she gets to school. Probably Cherries in the-Snow by Revlon to be exact.

Do you want to join me? Not with the lipstick. Organizing your own personal mom rebellion. It’s not easy, but well worth it.

Put on your cool leather jacket, here we go:

1. Recognize evil when you see it. As Christians, we can’t fight unless we know what our enemy looks like and its strategy. This is a crucial step. One of the best books on this subject is by one of my favorite authors: Peter Kreeft. Spoiler alert: evil rarely looks like the latest horrific news story or natural disaster. It’s disguised as pretty, harmless and necessary for us as moms and our kids.

2. Get some support from like-minded people. Once you start looking for them, they start to reveal themselves. Thank goodness.

3. Strengthen your resolve. Pray for wisdom and strength. God loves it when we ask Him for our heart’s desire–even for the gumption to start a little mommy rebellion. Just ask.

This doesn’t require the normal type of lust to rebel. It can be scary, to go against the tide when raising kids. Rebellion needs us to be committed. The world won’t celebrate you. You’ll be small, yet mighty. Take my word.

Take heart mommas. We can buck the system and stand up for “the little guy (or little girl)”. If we don’t, who will?

So grab the keys to your Harley, zip up that fabulous jacket and show the world what a mom rebellion really looks like…

loving our kids enough to stand up. And there you have it…

When have you discovered something evil that at first seemed so harmless?
Where have you found like-minded people to support you?

What’s your favorite encouraging verse for strength or wisdom? 

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