3 Ways to Stoke Your Motivational Fire

Call it a rut, being sidetracked, or having a “rough day” --sometimes work just isn’t working out.

There are gads of reasons why we can lose our motivation. In effect, it's like watching our attention spans shrink to the size of a dandelion and wisp away. It can be anything – a glaringly beautiful summer day, a challenging project that continues to go unfinished, or a lost connection to what you're doing... and BAM – you find yourself without a sense of direction or ingenuity.

As I thought about how I regain fervor for work, I realized that most often this inspiration does not come from within me; rather, it comes from a gaining a new perspective offered by someone else.  Sometimes a quick remark is all it takes to help me let go of my judgments and get back in the saddle.

The late Dr. Maya Angelou was profoundly excellent at sharpening life’s experiences to a point that prompts motivation. Let us learn from her today.

If you’ve lost your motivational flame, try these 3 things first:

Tip #1: Check yourself

“If you don’t like something, change it.  If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” – Maya Angelou

Here’s the scene, and we’ve all been here.  You and your grouchy coworker go to work.  Something at work doesn’t go according to plan. It’s not a big deal, but kind of annoying.  Your coworker starts saying grouchy things. Then you start saying grouchy things.  And now the two of you tend toward your grouchy habits more than constructive ones.  Check yourself.

Sometimes all we need is an attitude check to right the wrongs in our way.

Tip #2: Remember why you work

“I have learned that making a living is not the same thing as making a life.” – Maya Angelou

Below are 8 reasons we work, written by Seth Godin in This Might Work.

Which are your reasons for working?

  • For the money (or in my words, for the vacations, for the dream boat, for the summer cabin, for the kids…)
  • To be challenged
  • For the pleasure/calling of doing work
  • For the impact it makes on the world
  • For the reputation you build in the community
  • To solve interesting problems
  • To be part of a group and to experience the mission
  • To be appreciated

We might think we work...well, because…we have to.  But really, we can discover more of the truth behind our work if we look into what it provides us.  Making a living isn’t the same thing as making a life, but if you’re lucky enough, they’re not far apart.

Tip #3: Find your style

“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” – Maya Angelou

Finding motivation at work can have everything to do with how well suited you are for your role.

Do you feel supported by your team? Are you challenged in ways that matter to you? Are you comfortable with the degree of risk your role requires? You probably already know if the answers to these questions align with your work style, because if they don’t, your work is probably exhausting.

I think it can be inferred from Dr. Angelou's quote that the world offers a variety of ways to do something well – and that we become our most successful selves when we find the way that best suits us.  To find more about your own work style and how to inspire motivation, read Forbes Magazine's "9 Corporate Personality Types and How to Inspire Them to Innovate."

I think it is also important to mention that we all deserve moments to shut down, shut up and stop driving toward the next thing.  I wouldn’t want to confuse stillness with not being motivated, for stillness can also help us get back on course.  But for those times when you need a boost, the point is – seek it out!  From a friend, a quote, a memento, what-have-you. Find that thing that speaks to you.

Written by Briana Malrick


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