It was a day you’ll never forget. Whether a beautiful white ballroom gown and midnight black tux, or a sweet simple dress and traditional business suit, you’ll always remember your wedding day. The cosmetic details of the day may have blurred a bit in your memories, and your thoughts on marriage may have transformed as well. Looking back on your wedding day now, perhaps you realize that even your ideals have changed. You and your spouse have developed and grown as a couple. No doubt your marriage has encountered both mountains and valleys, whether it’s been 10 weeks or 20 years. But the one thing that has not changed is your desire to have a strong marriage. You really love each other and long to hold to your wedding vows.
No matter how much you crave a strong marriage, evaluating your daily relationship decisions is a wonderful way to build that marriage you desire. Daily routine can easily dictate over your desire for a healthy marriage, but the good news is that you have the power to make your marriage stronger with a few basic actions. Take a look at these 3 ways to strengthen your marriage today!
Choose to unite your hearts over a tough topic.
You both know that one particular issue. Maybe you desperately avoid the topic, whatever it is, because you strongly disagree with each other. Set aside some time to talk about that one differing opinion and mutually agree. Unity builds strength in marriage like nothing else can. You could choose to give in to your spouse’s desires over your own simply because you love them and recognize the issue is not as important as you made it out to be.
Remember - two together united with one God is a strong bond that is not easily broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12
Check on the kindness you show to your spouse and reflect on simple ways to show your love.
When was the last time you left a sticky note on the bathroom mirror? Or bought their favorite candy just because? Random acts of kindness in marriage are powerful. Perhaps an email, voicemail, or text to say “I love you” could be just the thing to build up your spouse and your marriage. Let the kind, beautiful familiarity of your marriage be the reason you continue to show each other love instead of the reason you take it for granted. Hearing “thank you” for the role you play in the life of your spouse never gets old.
After all, kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. Proverbs 16:24
Choose to pray with your spouse.
Whether the “little” problems in life or the “bigger” issues, prayer strengthens a marriage like nothing else can. No matter what you are going through as a couple, God hears you when you pray. When you pray together with hearts united, then you have the reassurance of His Word that he loves to hear our prayers and answer them!
Because if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. Matthew 18:19
Read the passages outlined above with your spouse and discuss them together. Choose one of the points to enact even today. By incorporating these three techniques into your daily routine of life, you’ll discover strength and encouragement for your marriage!
By Rachel Wojo