4 Free Ways to Grow the People You Lead

There are some common questions I hear from leaders. In fact, they may be some of the most important questions leaders can ask. These questions are the essence of who the leader is and what leaders are to do.

Questions such as:

How do we create environments where leaders can grow? What are some common elements necessary in every organization where leaders are growing? Are there ways to stimulate growth in a leader that any organization (or church) – regardless of size or budget – can implement?

Have you ever asked such questions?

Here are 4 free ways to grow people:


It has been said knowledge is power. That’s certainly true when it comes to leadership. It’s beeen interesting to watch over the years how some I would not say are the smartest or even best leaders have had power because they had more information.

To help people on our team grow, I know I must share whatever I know. I must communicate fluently. I also need to ask questions and allow people the freedom to ask me questions. I have to encourage our team to be sharing information with others and continually be seeking input from people outside our organization.

Leaders who stir knowledge with in their organization will see people grow. 


Character isn’t taught, but it can certainly be modeled. Any leader desiring to grow high character leaders must display the character they wish to develop. I realize my character will greatly determine the quality of leaders we attract. And, I can’t grow leaders (with character) without displaying a high character personally.

I know I can impact growth in people on our team if I display a character worth following. The way I live my life impacts the quality of the life of people trying to follow my leadership.


Most aspiring leaders are waiting for a break. They are seeking an opportunity. They are screaming, “Give me a chance!”

I know if I want to grow people I must create opportunities for them to experiment by leading other people. And, the more opportunities I create the more leaders our team can grow.


It is in the tension of being stretched where we learn most. Walking by faith – leading into the unknown – always teaches me more than I could learn in a “safe place”.

To grow leaders, we must give others ample chances to live firsthand in the stress of leadership. I realize one of my roles in the church is releasing my right to control an outcome to provide people with their own experience as a leader – to feel ownership and responsibility for an outcome. 

Give those four a chance and watch the people around you grow.

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