4 Tips for Working for a New Boss

New boss? No Problem.

It is one of the trickier things to learn in your career: get a new boss and figure out “how he or she works.” You run through the list in your head of exactly what to try. Do I play it extra safe and work really long days? Do I crack a joke and see if he laughs? Wait, he made a joke...should I laugh? Was it a joke? While stressful at times, starting to work for a new boss can be one of the best things you can do in your career. Not only does it give you the opportunity to establish a relationship that fosters openness and honesty from the start, it also allows you to demonstrate courage that will help you grow professionally!

1.   Talk right away about communication styles.

Wondering if your boss has a preferred work style? Is she direct with her messages or does she not enjoy giving feedback? Ask! This is also an excellent time to help her understand how you best communicate. Grabbing time right away to have an honest discussion, especially about communication, can ensure that you are able to be on the same page.

2.   Ask: What do you need from me?

This is one of the best pieces of advice I have ever gotten: find out what the biggest “problem” is in the current job environment and see how you can help fix it. This can be anything from a leading a project to an improved process. Setting goals together will ensure that you are consistently working towards the right goals.

3.   Tell: Here is what I need from you to be successful.

While this might seem really direct and somewhat difficult to understand, it is always important to feel like you can ask questions. This can be as simple as asking about some aspects of a project in which you would like further direction. Letting your boss know what you need from him is not about “demanding things” but about making sure that you are not afraid to ask for help when you need it. Your boss can’t read your mind, so he can’t offer his help if you don’t ask for it!

4.   Have routine check-ins.

Whether your schedule allows for weekly or biweekly meetings, make sure that you have a consistent date and time designated for you and your boss. Make agendas as formally or informally as you need, and I would suggest that you determine the structure you want for that day and come prepared with the topics you want to discuss. The more structured your thoughts, the better you can productively use your time together.

Starting a new job or getting a new role can come with a lot to learn and a lot of stress, but it can also come with a lot of great opportunities. To create the best working relationship you can, it’s important to push yourself to have these conversations, even if doing so is outside your comfort zone. Practice with someone you are comfortable getting feedback from if that helps you, and go into your first conversation with your new boss with confidence. Remember: you don’t get what you don’t ask for!

Written by Stacy Dannenberg

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