4 Ways to Cheer Up a Sick Friend

You’ve been there - lying in bed surrounded by tissues, wishing your head would just stop throbbing long enough so you can fall asleep and forget this whole sick-thing even happened. And, when your coughing fit wakes you in the middle of night, you look around to find that the kids have destroyed the house and there is absolutely nothing to eat in the fridge. At this point, you really can’t help but feel at least a little sorry for yourself - am I right?

So, when learning a friend is going through this sick-thing, you just feel bad for her, hoping that she doesn’t experience the same ick that had you dragging last week and wondering if there is a something, anything you could do to help. 

Here are 4 ideas on how to cheer her up and maybe even bring a little smile (or big grin!) to her face as she struggles to shake off her sickness:

  1. Let her know that you arepraying for her. Sometimes just knowing others are lifting you up in prayer can lift your spirits and calm your soul. You can add her name to the prayer list at church and even reach out to your small group members to ask them to pray for her as well. After all, we have an Almighty God who is the source of all strength and restoration. 
  2. Keep Your Distance. She probably doesn’t feel like company, so why not send her an uplifting bouquet of flowers or leave a care package at her doorstep? Maybe shoot her a quick text message letting her know there’s a surprise heading her way. An easy care package: Fill a tote bag with canned soup, tissues, maybe a great movie or snuggly teddy bear, and pair it with a sweet get well card. Just remember - while it may feel odd and callous to you not to visit her face-to-face, most likely she would rather stay in bed than try to have a conversation. 
  3. Take on her to-do list. Chances are she did not mark this week off her calendar with the words “lying in bed all week due to sickness - will not be doing anything for the next 5 to 7 days.”  Help her by offering to take on a task or two - maybe she needs you to walk her dog, shop for groceries, or pick up her kids from school. Every little task you can take off her list will be a huge blessing; you can believe it!
  4. Warm her heart. Think about your friend and what seems to comfort her in tough situations. Does she enjoy a long soak in a warm tub with a great book? Surprise her with a basket of soothing bath salts, bubble bath and a beautiful candle.  Or would she rather sip hot tea on the couch while writing in her journal? Swoop in and prepare a hot cup of her favorite tea in her favorite mug with a few new writing notebooks. Personalized gifts will not only comfort her aching body, but will also warm her heart.

We all know how easy it is to get discouraged when we’re sick. Do you know someone who is not feeling well this week? If so, why not reach out (even with a simple eCard!) and remind them that God is in control?

By Gini @ DaySpring

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