4 Ways to Find Comforting Scripture Verses

How can we find rest for our troubled hearts and minds? Is your life full of stress and uncertainty? Dr. Stanley talks about how we can find rest for our hearts and minds in his message. Follow these tips to discover the peace that comes with knowing God’s Word.

How can we find comforting Scripture verses?

1. Read the Bible daily. The best way to prepare for trouble is to make Scripture reading a regular part of each day. As we become more familiar with God’s Word, we’ll know where to look when we need comfort and encouragement.

2. Ask God for help. In those times when we don’t know where to turn, we can ask the Holy Spirit to guide us to a passage that will speak to our need. Since He’s the Author, He knows exactly what promises will encourage us and what instructions will help us. We can ask Him to show us the next step and reveal what He wants to accomplish in our lives. The Lord delights in speaking personally to us through His Word when we come to Him as His children.

3. Choose to memorize some favorite verses. When we have the Word of God hidden in our hearts, we are armed with the Lord’s promises and directions for walking through difficult or painful circumstances.

4. Read biographical passages about people in the Bible. Examples like Jesus, Paul, or many of the Old Testament saints can encourage us when we are going through similar trials. Seeing what God did in their lives and how they walked through their trials gives us the faith to trust the Lord in our difficulties.

This article is adapted from the Sermon Notes for the message, “A Cry for Comfort.”

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