4 Ways to Notice God’s Love As a Family

Occasionally, you’ll notice a police car nearby.

(How often that happens may depend on how fast you drive.)

It’s comforting when an officer routinely drives by to ensure your neighborhood is safe.

It’s uncomfortable if the officer stops in front of your home and gets out to head your way.

Either way, you’re being protected and cared for in ways you’ll only partially realize.

Your parenting can come across like this at times.

Sometimes your kids will notice you nearby and feel comforted, like when they come home from a hard day and you’re there to talk to.

Other times your kids will feel uncomfortable when you’re around, like when they’re doing something you won’t approve of and see you walking their way.

Either way, they’re being protected and cared for in ways they’ll only partially realize.

Your care is way more personal than a police officer’s care, though.

You speak tender-yet-firm love to your kids in the unique ways they need to hear it.

You take them shopping for “important” things that often don’t seem all that important (at least according to them).

You are patient with them in their most impatient moments.

You don’t take “seconds” so they can have “thirds.”

God’s care is way more personal than even your care, though.

He is with your kids in every moment and situation.

“For from him and through him and for him are all things.” (Romans 11:36)

He doesn’t guess his way through situations like we do, but perfectly knows what’s needed.

“Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.” (Psalm 147:5)

We do what we do because we love our kids.

by Tony Myles

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