5 Thieves That Steal God's Best of Raising Girls in an Artificial World

While girls need equipping to be real in an artificial world, so do moms as we model, train, and be an example for our daughters. Your daughters pick up more that you think they would from your life.

Here are 5 thieves that steal God’s plan for raising girls in an artificial world.

  1. Lack of authenticity. In order for your daughter to be equipped for a culture that promotes in-authenticity, she needs to see what being real looks like from you. How do you interact and present yourself in your adult world? Does your daughter see you present yourself one way in front of one and another way in front of other groups? How do you present yourself among peers?
  2. Comparison. Women and girls naturally compare themselves to others, but this isn’t God’s plan of us. The spirit of comparison comes from the enemy and does damage to ourselves and the body of sisterhood. Does your daughter see or hear you compare yourself with other women? When you model contentment instead of comparison, it gives strength to your daughter to do the same.
  3. Seeking others approval before God. This is probably the hardest strategy in personal growth among women. We tend to look to others for approval instead of God. This struggle isn’t just a teen problem, but a problem for women of all ages. How are you doing in this area? Are you modeling how to please God above others?
  4. Compromise. The most subtle mistake women make in being real is compromise. You compromise God’s truth for the world’s values “just a little,” but enough that non-believers, they find you’re not much different that they are. Compromising gives power to peer pressure and doesn’t rely on the God’s power in real life. Girls need to see how God really delivers in our struggles to fit in, rather than in theory.
  5. Lack of intimacy with God. Being comfortable in your own skin starts and ends with intimacy with God. When you fully embrace who you are in Him, you exhibit a confidence and authenticity of how He’s made you that’s transparent in every environment.

Mama, as you grow in these ways, living them before your daughter, you’ll give her a quiet strength to be real and accepting of who she is so she can be real for a lifetime.

What are your struggles in these areas?

Written by Brenda Yoder

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