7 Issues That Distract a Leader From Success

Here are 7 issues that will distract you from success as a leader:

  1. Trying to plan every detail – Ecclesiastes says you won’t plant if you watch the wind. Risk is always necessary for meaningful success.
  2. Lack of flexibility – Things change. Have a great vision, but realize the road to accomplish it may change many times along the way.
  3. Shunning or controlling other people – You can’t do it alone. You don’t have the corner on ideas. You need help.
  4. Holding on to a grudge or attempting to get even – The wasted energy of an unforgiving spirit slows you down from meaningful achievement.
  5. Worrying more than you pray – The unknown brings doubt but faith goes without seeing. Take your pick. Only one answer allowed.
  6. Being stingy with your time, money or influence – The more you try to control what you hold in your hand, the stingier your heart becomes. Stingy hearts are burdened by unnecessary distractions. (The one who loved money is never satisfied with his wealth. Ecclesiastes 5:10)
  7. Having to do things “your way” – When you limit the input of others you rob the team of expanded imagination and you discourage potential leaders from rising.

What would you add?

Are one of these keeping you from accomplishing all you could?

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