7 Reasons the New Covenant Is Better Than the Old

Here are seven reasons to boldly declare that you are a New Covenant believer.

Paul stated the reasons plainly in his letter to the Corinthians. The passage is 2 Corinthians 3. Read through it. I think you will find the seven reasons to be compelling.

  1. Life — As Paul wrote, “the law kills, but the Spirit gives life.” The end of the law is death. Through the New Covenant, you receive life, Christ’s life.
  2. Righteousness — The law is a ministry of condemnation. There is no way to feel close to God or even know that He truly loves you when you keep failing to live up to His commands. In the New, God makes you righteous in Jesus. You are accepted.
  3. Eternal Security — The Old Covenant was temporary. It had a limited purpose – to show you your need for Christ. Once that purpose is fulfilled, the Old gives way to the New.  The New Covenant  is eternal. Jesus’ promises and provisions last forever, which means you are saved completely and eternally.
  4. Hope — The weight of the law squeezes out all measure of hope. As the writer of Hebrews stated, apart from Christ, you live in the fearful expectation of God’s punishment. In this New Covenant, your sins have been taken away once and for all. You are forgiven. You have Jesus and He is your hope of glory.
  5. Freedom — Under the law, you were in bondage to sin and death. Sin was your master (Romans 6:14). But in this New Covenant, the Spirit of Life set you free from the law of sin and death. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
  6. Transformation — Self-effort keeps you stuck in the Romans 7 trap: the things I want to do, I don’t, and the things I don’t want to do, I do. But in the New Covenant you are transformed into the likeness of Christ, from glory to glory.
  7. Jesus — Under law, it is all about you and your ability to live up to the standards. In the New, Jesus lives His life through you. He is God’s gift to you.

It is time to get off the fence. Make the declaration: “I am a New Covenant believer!”


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