7 Tips for Healthier Marriage Communication 

Healthy marriages are built on communication. Almost without exception – if you improve communication you improve the marriage. A couple with poor communication will have a difficult time building a successful marriage. 

By the way, every marriage could stand to improve in this area. 

Here are 7 tips for better communication in marriage: 

Be a good listener 

You can never expect to grow in your communication until you learn to truly hear one another. Ask yourself – have you been listening lately – really listening? Good listening takes time and effort – and usually a muted television. 

Timing is important  

Don’t try to address major issues when the other party is distracted. Set aside time to address important topics. Know when to speak and when to listen. A good question here – do you need to be silent more often? Maybe you need to not try to solve the problem today and schedule a time next week to really talk about things which matter. 

Never criticize the person  

You can address actions, but when you attack the person, defenses rise and communication fails. Every time. Again, ask yourself: are you being critical of the one you are supposed to be building up? Does your spouse feel valued by you? 

Be willing to give each other credit for differences 

And, there are so many. 

Men, you can’t talk to your wives as you talk to your guy friends. She is more tender hearted – understand there is almost always a deeper meaning attached to what they are saying. 

Women, if you want your husband to understand something, you must say it in a language he understands – which is usually simple and straightforward. Men don’t as easily read subtleties or between the lines. 

Keep emotions under control when trying to communicate 

When the female starts shedding tears or the males anger rises, even though both can be natural responses for either person, communication is hindered. Wait until the intense emotions calm, then address the issue. But, definitely address the issue.  

Work for prompt resolutions  

Don’t let issues linger too long. Don’t let the sun go down on your anger. The longer an issue lingers, the harder it is to address. Do you have some issues you need to address now which you’ve been building in your heart as angst against your spouse? The enemy loves to use these as a wedge between couples. 

Be willing to humble yourself and forgive 

Marriage is hard – people make mistakes. Marriage must be free flowing with continual grace and truth. Are you holding a grudge you need to release? This is not an excuse for bad behavior and we should always strive to do better, but at some point for the marriage to move forward there may need to be forgiveness.

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