1. Hustle today. Get there faster, get it done quicker, be more intentional than normal, and make those around you better.
2. Learn it, relearn it, and then learn it again. Just because you are out of school doesn't mean you quit learning. Be a lifelong learner.
3. Be the best in the world today at whatever you are working on. If making copies, be the best in the world. If mixing up a mocha at Starbucks, be the best in the world. If negotiating a new contract, be the best in the world. If planning an event, be the best in the world. You can be great at one thing.
4. We have to reclaim a sense of Biblical understanding, wisdom and practice. Our Biblical illiteracy as a generation is staggering, sobering and frustrating. Gotta get back in the Word. This starts with pastors and Christian leaders embracing and constantly teaching the Scriptures.
5. Humility rules. Just a reminder today. The world doesn't revolve around you.
6. As always, making it happen and "shipping" as Seth Godin says is still an incredibly fashionable attribute. If you can execute on a project... if you can get things done.... if you can take an assignment and drive it to completion.... You're still valued and incredibly needed.
7. Put the Xbox up, turn off Facebook, get out a book (or your iPad), and start reading. Stimulate your brain, and educate yourself.
8. Understand what you are FOR. Don't be defined by what you are against, but instead by what you are for.
9. Talk less, and listen more. Gaining influence is as much about asking great questions as it is about giving great answers.