A Better Question

“What would Jesus do?” It’s an often-asked question, as well as an often-merchandised one and an often-twisted one for political purposes. And while it can be helpful in following Jesus as an example, that’s all it can do for us. It’s awfully hypothetical, distantly past tense, and not nearly relational enough for those who know him.

There’s a better question: “What is Jesus doing?” We can legitimately ask that because he really does live, he really does communicate with those who will listen to him, and he really is closer than we think. “Lord, what are you doing in this situation right now?” “How are you working in my life?” “Where would you like me to join you in your work?” These questions are alive and present. And those who ask them—and listen for the answers—will find themselves drawn closer into relationship with him.

Jesus is more than an example from the distant past. He’s not theoretical. He’s real and alive and active in the moment. Ask him what he’s doing and then partner with him in it. It’s a much more satisfying way to follow him.


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