A Coach’s Point of View: One Purpose

As Halftime coaches, we help people figure out what is next and how can they live purposefully in the second half of their lives.  As we walk alongside them in this journey, we help them discover vision, examine their past through guided reflection, explore possible serving opportunities that fit their unique design, skill-set, and passion so that they can have enduring impact and leave a legacy which will live on long after they have moved on.  We touch on things of the heart and things of the head, trying to find the right thing to do with our hands.  In the process, God always seems to challenge our habits and reframe our perspectives.

This morning as I was spending time in the Word of God, these verses brought this whole coaching process into focus for me:

“The man who plants and the man who waters,  have ONE PURPOSE and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. For we are God’s fellow workers.  You are God’s field, God’s building” 1 Corinthians 3:8-9, NIV

It suddenly dawned on me.  There is only ONE PURPOSE.  It is God’s purpose, not my purpose, and His purpose is the salvation of the lost, through His Son, Jesus Christ.  But He also has called each one of us to work in a particular field, and that is what we need to discover – our calling. To which field have you been called to fulfill this ONE PURPOSE?  Through which mechanism or organization or tool set will you achieve that goal?  It could be to feed the hungry or to reach out to the captive of sexual trafficking.  Maybe it involves helping the executive in bondage to the world or those shackled to the bottom line or the lure of position, possession and power. We are all fellow workers.  We can’t do it on our own.  We can’t do it without others.  And we certainly can’t do it without Him.

We have to be careful that we keep or focus on HIS PURPOSE and not drift or shift into our own purpose.

We also will be rewarded for our labor – not through a team bonus or team award – our own efforts and actions will determine our rewards. We will never be able to blame others for not getting our reward. We stand accountable before God for being clear on our calling into His Purpose and being obedient to that call, working in THE field he has put us in.

By Mathilda Fourie

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