A Daily Prayer

I’m not a big fan of scripted prayers. I don’t read what I want to say to my wife or my best friend. On the other hand, I sometimes get "stuck," and the only way I can pray a complete sentence without my mind wondering off is to write it out and read it out loud to God.

This prayer is different. Maybe because it’s Scripture...or because it’s so relevant. It feels really personal when I pray it thoughtfully to my Heavenly Father.

Consider a “cut, paste and print.” Pray it every day for a week just before you head out in the morning. Take your time. Think about each line. Mean it...

Heavenly Father, 

I recognize that my primary struggle today will not be against flesh and blood. I know there is more to this life than meets the eye. Help me see people the way You see them and respond accordingly.

Give me the strength to stand my ground against this world. Enable me to recognize its twisted values and perspectives.

Today, I choose to stand firm with the belt of truth buckled around my waist. Bring to mind what is true when confronted with the lies that permeate this world. As I open Your Word, renew my mind to what is true.

I put on the breastplate of righteousness. Thank you for giving me a righteous standing with You. With Your help I will live a life that reflects that righteousness. Give me the wisdom to know what’s right and the courage to do what’s right, even when it is hard.

I put on the shoes of readiness. Where you lead, I will follow. Lead me to those who have not yet accepted your offer of salvation. Give me boldness and sensitivity as I represent You to others.

I take up the shield of faith, which has the power to help me stand against temptation, rejection, doubt and fear. On the cross, Christ overcame the power of sin on my behalf and proved once and for all that I am fully accepted. His resurrection took away the basis for all my doubt and fear.

I put on the helmet of salvation. My salvation is a reminder of all You have done and will do in me. It is a reminder of who I am and to Whom I belong. You bought me for a price. You must consider me valuable. You have called me Your child. You must consider me lovable.

Lastly, I take up the sword of the Spirit, which is Your Word. Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Through Your Word, bring my ways in line with Your ways and my thoughts in line with Your thoughts.

I ask all of this in the name of Jesus.


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