A Dangerous Job

As you think about being an adult, what jobs sound cool? Some kids dream of being fighter pilots. Others love math so much that they want to be engineers or scientists. Maybe you dream of being an artist—even though artists rarely make much money. It seems that at some point every kid considers being a veterinarian, mainly because puppies and kittens are so cute. As you hear people talk about those jobs, they all sound amazing.

When Jesus picked 72 people to do a job for him, he said, “Go! I’m sending you out like lambs among wolves” (Luke 10:3). Do you think they said, “Um, Jesus, thanks for the offer, but being weak and defenseless when people try to tear us apart sounds pretty dangerous. We’re going to go home and be professional ice cream tasters.” Nope. They went from town to town and did what Jesus said.

As you grow up, no matter what job you decide to do, your main career is to be a disciple, a student, of Jesus. You will learn from him and then go tell everyone you meet about him. Satan and his demons are going to do everything they can to make you keep quiet—they’ll have people make fun of you, they’ll get you to focus more on what others think of you than what God thinks of you, and they’ll whisper to you that maybe the whole Jesus story isn’t true. You will be like an innocent lamb among hungry wolves.

The good news is that you have the Good Shepherd on your side. Don’t be afraid. Just go!

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