A Different Kind of Perfect

Once you get married, it doesn’t take long in close quarters for you to understand just how different the two of you are. And it’s natural to assume that if someone does things differently than you do, they’re doing it wrong.

Imagine all the things a newly married couple does differently. (Don’t spend a whole lot of time thinking about this. The list is almost inexhaustible).

Just take my word for it. It can include everything from how you fold clothes, to how you load the dishwasher, to who put whose underwear in which drawer. Or, if you were like me, which chair you pile your clothes on.

As a new husband, I found myself getting more and more frustrated with Jeannie because she did some things differently than I did. (Translation = She did them wrong). So we had a lot of needless arguments over a lot of stupid things.

But here’s what I learned: in most things, there’s no right or wrong.

There’s no Christian way or right way to hang a shirt in a closet. There’s no grand rule about wearing shoes in the house. Everyone is free to find their own ways. The other thing I learned is this: most of the time, it really doesn’t matter.

If Jeannie prefers I do something one way rather than another, I haven’t lost my manhood if I do it her way. It just doesn’t matter. It took me a long time to figure this out. Much too long, I’m ashamed to say.

Jeannie is very different from me. Her difference is one of the cool gifts of Christ to me. It’s not right. It’s not wrong. It’s just different.

A good marriage happens when husbands and wives begin to understand the other isn’t necessarily right or wrong in the way they do things. It could just be a different kind of perfect.


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