If you talk to a couple that has been married a long time and ask them about the secret of their marriage, you’ll hear the same answer: a good sense of humor. Then, the couple will look at each other and laugh. The way they will look at each other will let you know that you just don’t get the joke. Who knows what they’re thinking about? The time they ran out of gas trying to get back home? The time they were too broke to buy presents, but ended up having the best Christmas ever? The night they sat up with a sick child taking turns singing lullabies so the child would sleep?
If you’ve been married any length of time, you know laughter can get you through the most unbearable moments. Laughter is the oil on troubled waters. Laughter makes life livable. When we laugh, even in life’s toughest moments, we’re able take a breath, find our bearings, and make our way through it. Laughter is God’s good gift to us.
Laughter keeps us from taking ourselves a little too seriously. Who hasn’t had the “gift” of a spouse laughing at them when they need to be brought down a peg or two? (Does that happen to everyone or is that just Jeannie’s “special ministry” to me?)
Laughter brings forgiveness. When you can laugh at a painful mistake, the healing has started.
Laughter brings joy. If one person starts laughing, you just about have to join them.
A couple that can laugh together is a couple that can face the fears of life head on. There’s a joy in the laughter that darkness can’t suppress. So, make it your goal to laugh a little every day. Tell stories. Watch movies. Share remembrances. Act foolish. Do what you have to do, but laugh.
You’ll live longer doing it…and enjoy it a lot more.