A Flat Tire

For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go.

— Psalm 91:11 (NLT)


Even though we’d been in Papua New Guinea only a few months, we had heard many times that hold-ups on the roads were not uncommon at night. In spite of efforts to leave sooner, we found that our 3:30 p.m. departure from the Highlands for an appointment in the coastal city of Madang meant that we would still be on the road an hour after the sun had set.

As soon as night had fallen, one of our car tires went flat.

As I sat in the backseat of our sedan with our one-year-old daughter and newborn son, in what seemed like the middle of nowhere, my husband, Jerry, pulled out the spare tire and began to loosen the lug nuts on the flat one. Peering out at the dark jungle on either side of us, my body tensed as I watched the headlights of an approaching vehicle.

The pickup truck stopped near us, and my heart pounded as I watched several men jump down from the truck and surround the back of our car. No sooner had I called out to God to help and protect us than I felt the car being lifted off the ground with my children and me still sitting inside. Desperately I continued my prayers that we would not be harmed. Hardly a minute later, the men set the car back down, climbed back into their truck, and took off.

These men had joined together to become a human car jack, allowing Jerry to swiftly change the tire and be on the move again.

We have no idea who those men were. For all we know, they could even have been angels. But one thing we know—we serve a great and mighty God. He rescues and protects those who acknowledge His name (Psalm 91:14).


Read Psalm 91. When have you experienced the Lord’s protection? How might your life look different if you lived according to God’s promises to rescue you from every trap, protect you as you trust in His name, and keep evil from conquering you?



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