A Generous Spirit


Father, teach me to look with Your eyes and to evaluate with Your perspective, always ready to see the best in others.


Matthew 7:1-12


Are your eyes clear when you judge another person?

Think back to the carpenter's workshop of Jesus' youth. What a lot he learned--and now teaches us--from a tiny speck of sawdust!

When did you last form a quick opinion of someone--and how right were you? In a matter of seconds, we assess another person as "better" or "worse" than ourselves, according to their appearance, background, education and prosperity. We might even judge them morally as "good" or "bad."

When Jesus meets people, he seems to be quite the opposite. His "kind but searching glance" is not of jealousy, but of acceptance and affirmation (Luke 19:5). And here he shares with us his secret: it is not our business to judge others--we can safely leave that to God who alone knows all the facts.

Of course, we can't begin to have Jesus' openness of approach to others unless we are secure in God's love ourselves. Jesus urges us to ask for such a blessing, which he knows will be freely given.


Is there someone you see with a negative lens? Ask God for help to see the way he does and pray for that person.


Lord, help me remember that You have been patient and kind with me. Help me be the same with others.

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