A God of Small Things

“I don’t want to bother God with the small things.” Few of us would utter these words (though some have), but we may tend to think them. We take our big problems and requests to God, but the details of life? We’re supposed to be able to handle those on our own, aren’t we? We shouldn’t need Him for the minor issues.

But God is everywhere, even in the details, and wants a comprehensive role in our lives. This is an intimate relationship in which no corners of existence remain obscure and hidden. He doesn’t just tolerate the details; He loves them. He begins many of His greatest works with small things (Zechariah 4:10) — mustard seeds and mangers, for a couple of examples. He doesn’t want us agonizing over details, of course; He simply offers Himself in all of them. He saves, restores, and empowers more thoroughly than we can imagine.

Go ahead and “bother” God with the small things. Invite Him into every area of your life. Have the kind of conversations intimate partners have, where the exchange of familiar words matters much more than the subject they cover. Talk to Him about the weather, your to-do list, that problem at work, that look your spouse gave you, your wish for a decent parking space, and more. Your life is more than these things, of course, but it certainly includes such details. Anything can become part of the running conversation. He calls you a friend (John 15:5; James 2:23). Feel free to act like one.

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