A God-Sized Assignment

Scripture: Exodus 4:18-7:13

In today's passage, we travel from Uz to Egypt.

With a move like this, it’s a good idea to refresh ourselves with the covenant God made with Abram in Genesis 15:13. If you remember, there was more to the covenant than being the father of many nations and returning to Canaan.

“Then the LORD said to Abram, ‘You can be sure that your descendants will be strangers in a foreign land, where they will be oppressed as slaves for 400 years.’”

As we leave Job and the land of Uz, we see part two of God’s covenant fulfilled. Abraham’s descendants are slaves. Joseph is a distant memory. And the Israelites were now spending their days making bricks and growing gardens for the new pharaoh. Their situation was cruel and without mercy, making the promise of deliverance from their oppression that much sweeter. Their covenant-keeping God had hand-picked just the right man for the job and his name was Moses.

God-sized assignments can be intimidating, and Moses had been handed a humdinger. His low confidence magnified his feelings of being less than qualified for the job. Have you ever felt like this? Totally unqualified to complete a task God has asked you to do? I know I have! Has He asked you to lead a small group at your church? Foster a child? Go on a mission trip? No matter what the task or your level of qualification, you can be confident in these truths:

God sees and backs up my potential even if I doubt my abilities (Exodus 4:10-11)

  • God assured Moses that He would make the words of Moses’ mouth clear

God will not permit my past to exempt me from my potential (Exodus 2:12)

  • Moses was a murderer

God invites me into my potential through His power (Exodus 4:1-17)

Through the "staff to snake" miracle, Moses saw that God would supply all the power he would need to be successful.

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