A Job Well Done

What criteria do you use to evaluate yourself as a leader? John 17 records Jesus’ prayer as He assessed His season of leadership. He evaluated His personal focus on His God-given mission, His responsibility to teach His disciples what they needed to know to be successful, having protected them while they were under His leadership, and having prepared them for the future. How would you assess your leadership using these same criteria?

I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do.—John 17:4

Prayer: Holy Spirit, help me to evaluate my leadership as Jesus did, and to be more concerned with how I influence others than I am with worldly success. Show me where You want to redirect me. May others be more fulfilled because of my influence in their lives. Most of all, I want to be found faithful to Your call. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Written by Debbie Piper

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