A Life-Changing Prayer

How to Intercede for Others: Colossians 1:9-14

The prayer that the apostle Paul offered for the church in Colossae is a powerful model for any believer to follow on behalf of others. This life-changing prayer will impact you as well as those whom you lift to the Father, asking that they:

May be filled with the knowledge of God’s will.

One of the major steps of knowing God’s will is knowing His Word, which provides guidance in every imaginable situation. You are asking God to make clear His perfect and precise will for every decision. He numbers the hairs of our heads, so He certainly has an interest in the details of our lives, including every decision we make.

May walk in a manner worthy of the Lord.

First Corinthians 3:10-15 details the believer’s judgment. This is not a judgment that weighs our salvation, for God promises there is no condemnation for those who know Jesus (Rom. 8:1). Rather, this judgment will determine whether the weight of the believer’s life was more eternal than temporal. When you ask the Lord to help someone walk worthy of Him, you are asking Him to help make that person’s life count for eternity. Refined gold, silver, and precious stones—whatever we have done in the Spirit—are worth exponentially more than the ashes produced by a life of wood, hay, and straw.

May bear fruit in every good work.

When Christ is the center of your life, then your character, conduct, and conversation should bear fruit unto His kingdom. Asking God for His Holy Spirit’s assistance is an indication of a sincere desire to live for the Lord and obey His Word.

May increase in the knowledge of God.

Our heavenly Father’s perpetual intention is to mold us into the likeness of His Son, which necessitates our knowing more about Jesus and drawing closer to Him. In so doing, we will catch a greater vision of God, and as a result, will love Him. This passage is essentially a prayer to help us obey His Word, because those who love Him keep His commandments (John 14:15).

May be strengthened and sustained with the power of God.

The church is weakened anytime we attempt to do something in our own strength. Our most successful efforts come not by power or might, but by God’s Holy Spirit (Zech. 4:6). His supernatural strength and wisdom are necessary if we are to prevail in such a provocatively evil world. His peace and presence are required if we are to live victoriously regardless of our circumstances.

May give thanks of His salvation.

We have qualified as saints of God because—and only because—He has qualified us. He chose us. He sent His Son to die for us. He gave us the gift of faith. He forgave us. He redeemed us. He reconciled us. He justified us. He is sanctifying us. And He will glorify us. Our part is to thankfully obey Him and live for Him … every single day.

Adapted from The Charles F. Stanley Life Principles Bible (2008).

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