A Lunchbox Note From Dad

I've been doing two things lately that have been making my day brighter: eating more lunches at the office from a lunchbox and doing some business travel.

It’s not the eating and the traveling that has been “making my day.” Instead, it’s the notes I've been finding from my wife, and, more frequently, from my girls. 

A little note from a daughter, tucked in my suitcase, telling me how much she misses me when I’m gone.

Another note stashed quickly in my lunchbox, before I left for work, telling me how much she can’t wait for me to get home and be with her after work.

A drawing left in my backpack that says “Go Cards!” with a familiar looking red bird and a baseball.

I treasure these.

One of my other great treasures is a simple spiral-bound set of index cards from my wife with different things that she appreciates about me on each card.

Well, after getting these other great little love notes from my daughters recently, I had to sit up and take notice of an online article on about a dad leaving a love note, of sorts, for his kids in THEIR lunches every day.

He draws a special drawing on every sandwich bag that he packs in their lunch.


I may not be able to draw like he does, but like that dad, I want to remind my girls that I love them in little ways and at unexpected times. His drawings say “I love you,” because of the literal words and also because they say, “You’re worth my time spent to do a fun little something for you, just to make you smile.”

A few months ago, I bought a small pack of blank cards from the greeting card rack at the store. Very versatile. I started doing an occasional note to my wife or one of my girls.

But, it’s been awhile since I've used one.

After this article, I’m inspired again. Time to crack open those cards. Shhh… don’t tell my girls!

Written by Leon Wirth

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