The day had started off so well. A sunny, early morning. Coffee pre-set and waiting for me as I came downstairs. Some quiet time to study my Bible and pray, but that lasted about ten minutes.
Now, I'm not a rookie. I've been a mom for over a decade. We have four kiddos in the house, and many mornings do not go smoothly—to say the least. For some reason, that day seemed a little more "eventful."
There had been complaining, whining, arguing, talking back (one of those phrases my mother always said I would use someday), disrespect, blatant disobedience, stomping feet, rolling eyes, and crying.
I responded with controlled explanations, biblical examples, reminders of rules and expectations, reasonable consequences . . . and exasperated sighs, clenched-teeth explanations, stomping feet, rolling eyes, and crying of my own.
Then there was a lull in the storm—a little peace. Had my correction finally had some effect?
We must press on, living out and teaching the Gospel to the precious ones God has graciously entrusted to us.
As I've explained and admitted, I had some correct reactions to the disobedience I was faced with that day and some sinful reactions, too. So why not just throw in the towel when it seems like I'm failing? Why continue to correct and train when nothing seems to be working? Why not give in to the whining or stop trying to apply biblical truth with a bunch of kids?
Because that's what I'm called to do as a mom. And dear mom, it's what you're called to do, too.
I'm guessing you've read or heard Deuteronomy 11:18–21 many times before, but would you look at them with a fresh perspective?
Imprint these words of mine on your hearts and minds, bind them as a sign on your hands, and let them be a symbol on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates, so that as long as the heavens are above the earth, your days and those of your children may be many in the land the Lord swore to give your fathers.
The Word of God, imprinted in the two most influential parts of our bodies: our hearts and minds. Bound to us. Placed as an obvious symbol in an obvious place. The Word on and in us first, then taught to our children. And not just taught once or by someone "more qualified," but by us—the parents—all the time and everywhere.
This passage is our battle cry for perseverance when we are oh-so-frustrated! It gives us a why and how so that we can keep on going, especially on days like the one I've described. We can't give up or give in. We can't look for an easy way out. The stakes are too high, and the calling is too great. We must press on, living out and teaching the Gospel to the precious ones God has graciously entrusted to us. And the best part of this battle cry is that we are not called to respond in our own power. God's power is waiting for us in His Word. We have a God who hears our cries for help and responds with the grace we need to be faithful.
Are you a discouraged mom? How have you been encouraged to persevere when the going gets tough?
By Heidi Jo Fulk