A Mother: What Her Heart Knows

Family is a GOD idea, and within family both parents play a critical role – and anyone with any sense of insight or wisdom would undoubtedly NOT disagree.

I am a mum and I love being a mum. I have three adult children who have each married fabulous partners, who we regard as our own flesh and blood. Our family is rapidly expanding – with four grandbaby girls and two grandsons on the way. Life is full; life is rich and sometimes the only words I can find to describe the blessing is “my cup runneth over.”

Having said that, life has also had its challenges, and I would be lying to say that this joy hasn’t come without some seasons of weeping.

I believe the “maternal heart” is a gift from God. Genesis clearly teaches that both men and women are created in the image of God and that for this world to fully know God and for it to see Him perfectly reflected, both men and women need to allow redemption to take its course. This planet needs parents who are growing in the grace and goodness of God, so that the generations stretching into the future don’t deteriorate, but strengthen instead.

I love so many things about (redeemed) motherhood. It’s a journey and it’s a revelation but here’s a handful of what I see within the feminine mother heart…

– Her heart recognizes that she has indeed been ENTRUSTED to steward a young life and then grow that young life into the knowledge and purposes of God.

– Her heart knows that she indeed carries them for only a SEASON, therefore every season matters and every season she has with them needs to deliver its lessons and strength.

– Her hearts knows that she is in PARTNERSHIP with their natural father and their Heavenly Father. She knows that her example toward both will profoundly shape their lives and destiny path.

– Her heart knows that TENDERNESS is the mark of a wise woman. Solomon in Proverbs 4 remarks, “…Tender and the only one in the sight of my mother.” Tenderness is not weakness. Tenderness issues from the nature and character of God and “little people” need tenderness. Young plants are tendered. They are cared for, protected, watered and at times lovingly pruned. Psalm 144 speaks of young men who become like full-grown plants in their youth, and young women who become like pillars within a palace – A beautiful picture indeed of the fruitfulness within wisdom.

– Her heart knows the power of COMMUNITY. An African proverb says that “It takes a village to raise a child.” Parents who isolate themselves “rage against all wise judgment.” (Proverbs 18:1). Community is learned. Community teaches young hearts how to share, respect, value and contribute. Healthy society needs mothers whom understand the critical importance of “not neglecting to gather together.” (Hebrews 10:25).

– Her heart knows that the FEAR OF GOD is the beginning of WISDOM; therefore she positions herself and her family in and under His presence and Word. These truths will transform her across the length of her days and they’ll transform her children across the length their days.

– Her heart knows that one day her children will grow up and leave her, but if she has done her best by them, they will never actually LEAVE HER. Regardless of what may separate in the natural, her children’s hearts will always lean toward her and always call her “blessed” (Proverbs 31).

– She also knows that as a Godly woman, she has the CAPACITY TO RAISE sons and daughters who can be princes and leaders in the land. Psalm 45 promises that – Young men and women who become valued leaders and influencers in the world for good!

There is no end to the miracle of motherhood. The moment a child a born, a mother is born …and because we will all never cease to exist, the miracle of Godly motherhood can and will stretch far into eternity. Legacy will mark her love, devotion and investment, and legacy will tell her story somewhere in time and history.

So if you are a mum – pray for your children. Don’t ever be too proud to apologise to your children. Believe the best and speak the best over them. Be their greatest fan. Be their cheerleader. Encourage always. Forgive easily. Discipline and disciple them with grace. Notice what others fail to notice and listen to God’s Spirit concerning them. Always remember that they belong to Him. Ultimately raise them to love the Lord YOUR God, with all THEIR heart, soul and strength.

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