Enjoy listening to the song, Pure Fountain, that accompanies this post by clicking the "Play" or "Listen" button above.
Do you know those “Aha” moments? When a “light bulb” goes on in your brain about something? Here is one regarding an interesting way to listen to love songs.
This may not apply to every love song, but I think it applies to most. I believe love songs can be instrumental music inspired by romancing words, such as Pure Fountain, but for purposes of this idea, let’s define “love song” as lyrics searching for or affirming redeeming, romantic love, combined with a beautiful melody that sings to the heart.
So, play your favorite love song and listen like this… If the music and words are affirming love, pretend the words are being sung by God to you. Receive the love song as written personally for you, and sung to you, by God. If the music and words are searching for love, pretend the words are being sung by you to God. Listen to the love song as written personally by you, and sung by you, to God.
Do you get the idea? It may take a little practice, but it is worth a try. For me it gave some of my favorite love songs a deeper meaning and life application.
What did you experience when you listened this way to one of your favorite love songs?