A Point of View

"Now when the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, 'If this man were a prophet He would know who and what sort of person this woman is who is touching Him, that she is a sinner.'" - Luke 7:39

“Well, it’s just a different point of view.” Have you ever heard or said that? We know this to be true, because Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are all basically telling the same story, but each book was written from the the point of view of different men.

Speaking of perspective, picture the scene: Jesus had been invited to dinner by some of the prestigious religious leaders in town. It was not really a social courtesy; they wanted to quiz Him and find out where He was coming from--they were checking Him out! And then, just after the first course was served, a young, beautiful woman enters, drops to the ground beside Jesus, weeping so much that she actually uses her tears to wash his feet, wiping them with her hair.

I can just picture the Pharisees, jaws dropped to the floor, eyes the size of saucers. What do you think was going through their minds? The woman was of questionable reputation. Men of good reputation would never allow this! But those Pharisees – they’re like a lot of good church folks who are quick to judge known sinners while being blind to their own sin. Sound familiar?

But this woman had a great appreciation for Jesus because she was keenly aware of the immoral life she had lived. She was overcome by the forgiveness Christ offered her. So there she was, her hair wet with tears, washing the feet of Jesus in an act of pure worship and gratitude.

Two very different responses to Jesus. Two very different perspectives. With whom do you most identify?

The religious moralists who felt they were right with God by their outward righteousness?

Or the sinful woman who knew she deserved God’s judgment and was surprise by His grace?

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