A Position of Victory

You may not realize it, but you probably live life with one of two attitudes: I’m behind and I need to get ahead, or, I’ve overcome and I can enjoy the victory. There are certainly variations on those two attitudes, and plenty of degrees of intensity. Yet hearts generally gravitate toward one or the other. And for most of us, it’s the first.

The message of the gospel is that we don’t have to win the victory; it has been won for us. In fact, we’ve already been seated with Christ in heavenly realms (Ephesians 2:6), and if you know anything about his position, the seat is a throne. We don’t fight from a position of defeat in hopes of victory. We are already victorious. We fight from a position of victory to assert what God has already accomplished on our behalf. That makes a huge difference in how we live. 

Reinforce this internal attitude every day. By faith, claim your position in Christ, and live from that position. He is not a defeatist, and in him, neither are you. There is nothing in life or death that can overcome you or the victory he has won. Count on that, and live in confidence every hour of every day.

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