A Prayer for Military Families

Let us remember that there are men and women far from their families and the comforts of home today - missing hugs and kisses, birthday parties and baseball games, praying for a safe return to the country and the people they love.

These are United States soldiers; some are our brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, parents, neighbors, classmates, friends. Others we have never met, but they risk their lives daily for our freedom.

Will you join us in lifting up these troops and their families? We may honor them on specific days, but their service makes a difference in our lives every day.

Dear Lord,

Our hearts are filled with gratitude for the men and women who serve our country, and for the sacrifices their families make so that we can all enjoy the blessing of freedom.

We praise you for calling them to help protect us, and for giving them the courage and ability to do their jobs well.

Guide their choices and their actions, Lord. Help them to see you working in their daily lives, whether in the field, at home, or abroad.

Surround them with your mighty angels; protect them in your mercy; cover them with your grace.

Guard their hearts while they are far from loved ones, and bless them with moments to cherish when they are together.

Hold these families close, Lord. May they look to You for the strength and peace that only You can give. 

In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.

While we continue to lift these brave men and women in prayer, why not take a moment (or two) to share your gratitude for their service and for their sacrifice. Below are a few ideas on how to reach out to U.S. soldiers as well as military families in your community or abroad:

  • Create a large banner with the words “God Bless You” and invite your group to sign it with their favorite Scripture. Send the banner to a deployed soldier and ask him/her to hang it up where it can be seen by many. Here are a few powerful verses to consider: Joshua 1:9; Psalm 46:1; Psalm 139:9-10; 2 Corinthians 9:8; Psalm 27:1
  • Set out markers and paper for kids (and kids at heart!) to color pictures for soldiers far from home and for the families who wait for them.
  • Find a military family in your community, invite them over for dinner and find out how you can help them. Deployed military members leave behind spouses, children and parents who must try to maintain life as usual while their loved one is away. In addition, they are often left to settle into a new community without the support of local family and friends.
  • Reach out to a soldier who has recently returned home -- pray for them and their family during their time of transition. 
  • Take a few moments to visit a Veterans Hospital, share some loving care, and pass out thank you cards with Scripture verses.

Even if you don’t have a personal connection, consider asking neighbors, friends or family members if they know someone serving our country today. There are also many websites dedicated to coordinating correspondence with U.S. troops who need encouragement.  Whether they’re across the street or around the world, they’ll be blessed to know how much they are appreciated.

by Paige @ DaySpring

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