A Reflection: My First Mother's Day As a Single Mom

Pictures have a way of bringing up good memories, worrisome memories, feelings we either loved or feelings we’d rather forget.  This was one of those “worrisome-forget” pictures.  

I was a new single mom getting ready to go to church.  My mom and dad were at my house and I was wearing that yellow corsage. My former husband had sent it to me hoping it would make my day better. Not sure why I wore it. Guess it’s because Jason wanted me to wear it proudly – “It’s from Daddy, Mommy.” (Well, you know how I was feeling in this picture!) 

That was over 25 years ago. I remember to this day the questions I had and the uncertainty I felt while standing on that sidewalk: How would I be able to do this all by myself and would my kids turn out ok? 

Looking back, I marvel at how God fulfilled His great promise in Romans 8:28 – “And God will work all things together for good.”  My all things  included overcoming bitterness and generally redefining the way I did life.  If you’re just beginning your journey as a single mom or need a little booster shot, drink in my wisdom.  It will serve you well in the long run. 

– Take one day at a time. Don’t worry about tomorrow.  Be your best today. 

– This is only one season out of your entire life. Keep things in perspective and celebrate your children while they’re still under the roof. 

– Focus your entire attention on them. Don’t believe you have to find another husband in order to complete your family. Jesus is enough. 

– Take advantage of these years as an opportunity to fall in love with God’s Word, His church, and His people. God will bless your socks off! 

– Be reminded that God will not waste one sorrow or one misfortune.  They are all necessary in what He’s doing in you and through you right now. 

– And finally – Just love your kids and TRUST JESUS! 

There will never be another Mother’s Day quite like this one. Make the MOST of it and find every reason to be thankful.  And remember, one day when your children have children of their own, they will HONOR YOU because of the choices you made “back then” when you were standing on the sidewalk balancing their lively hoods with your own two hands. 

Psalm 127:3 – Children are a gift from the Lord, a reward from him.

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