A Reflection on Steward Leadership

There’s no getting around it. All of the kingdom outcomes involve drawing ever closer to Christ. That’s why we must have a vibrant relationship with Jesus, always with the focus on growing in the knowledge and application of God’s Word in our lives.

I see an active participation and growth in my church life as essential.  It’s a touch point to learn weekly from the wisdom of our pastor, developing close relationships through participation in a small group and using my gifts to give back to the church.

God established the Church. It’s essential for Christians to gather together regularly as the Body of Christ.  Here our worship takes on a greater dimension as believers celebrate their faith through listening to the Word, praising God in song, and coming together in agreement through prayer.  Studying and growing in God’s Word cannot be fully accomplished in a vacuum.

The Godly Steward of Self demands that we never stop seeking a greater knowledge and deeper relationship with our Creator.  It’s through that knowledge that our values will be continually molded and shaped, stretched and tested, so that we can be more useful tools for Christ.

Those who have lived through personal and professional failures and trials often have the privilege later of being able to look back and see how God used those struggles to strengthen resolve and deepen our faith.  Because of those hard experiences we are able to reach out to others who may be in the midst of a similar challenge.  It’s humbling when God chooses you to be a part of His plan to bring restoration to others.

When the trials come, and they most assuredly will, it’s God’s deep and abiding love for us, our faith in Him, and the love and support of those around us that will carry us through the storm.

In all areas of my life, I want to remain focused on deepening my relationship with Christ in order that I might more fully serve Him and others.  Cultivating a steward’s mindset can only come through that deeper, more intimate relationship with Jesus.  I want to truly hear Him speak to me through the leading of the Holy Spirit.

As I continue to serve our Joni and Friends staff, interact with my husband, children, and grandchildren, I want to always reflect Christ to them.

-- Cate Given


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