A Royal Design

I’m a girly girl.

All that sparkles and glitters is right up my alley.

This has always been my personality, but the revelation that I am God’s princess sealed the deal.

The significance of being a daughter of the King has resonated so deeply with me. It has shaped my identity to the core of my being. The enemy has tried his hardest to assault my life with His lies, and knowing and believing the truth that I am God’s princess punches him in his face and puts him back in his place – defeated.

You are God’s princess too.

That may make some of you cringe, but understanding and walking in the reality of your son ship in Christ is SO important to fulfilling your destiny. You have to know who God says you are or else the enemy of your soul will assault your heart with the opposite.

“God’s Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who He is, and we know who we are: Father and children.” (Romans 8:15 MSG)

This, of course, has been a huge process for me. There have been days when tears overwhelm me and I have to press into God's presence and remind myself of what God says about me. Every day I have to choose to believe and live out this royal design.

One of the things God has been confirming in me is the importance of knowing my value as His princess. In the past, certain situations have left me not feeling valued but rather, taken for granted. We have all fallen into the trap of not knowing our worth, especially in the area of relationships.

We forget who we are, and let others strip us of our royalty.

This is why it is very important to choose your friendships wisely. Using discernment will show you if a relationship you are in has the potential to go left. If they can make time for everyone else but you, gracefully move on. Relationships only work when both sides value each other with the same intensity.

You were not created to chase someone who wants nothing to do with you or just tolerates your presence. If you let others determine your worth besides Christ, you will constantly go in circles looking for validation.

You were designed for dignity and respect. God wants you to value yourself in relationships. He created them to bring joy, not to crush your identity and make you question your worth.

The affirmation you need will come from spending time at the feet of your King. Christ, the One of most infinite value, offered His life on the Cross for you. This makes you more valuable than you could ever imagine. If someone did not hang on a tree and die for you, then they have absolutely no right to determine your worth.

Christ’s sacred blood screams your value; it tells you your identity.

In Him you are completely, totally, and utterly righteous. You are clothed in robes of God’s dazzling glory.

“All glorious is the princess within her chamber; her gown is interwoven with gold. In embroidered garments she is led to the King.” (Psalm 45:13-14a NIV)

As His princess you were designed to be valued. Imagine God placing a stunning tiara on your head with gemstones of the most brilliant colors. See Him dressing you in a glittering gown that shimmers in the light of His presence.

As you silence the negative voices fighting for territory in your heart, you will hear God whispering songs of royalty over you, affirming your identity and worth in Him. Allow God to fill that empty chasm of your soul with His relentless love and beauty. Let Him tell you who you are.

Righteous, Cherished, Loved, Redeemed, Valued.

Walk it, talk it, breathe it, believe it.

You are God’s princess, designed for royalty.


Written by Endya Joy


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