A Sack of Thoughts

Luke 6:1-11

There’s an old legend about two men and their sacks. Each man had two sacks, one hung down his chest, and one down his back. When the first man was asked what was in his sacks, he proudly said that the sack on his chest contained all the good things he had ever done. He liked to see them, and would often take them out making sure everyone around him had a good view.  The sack on his back is where he kept every bad thing that had ever happened to him. Every hurtful word, every vicious deed. He carries those around everywhere as well. And again, he finds himself stopping frequently to take the things out, examine them, and think about them.  Because of all of his many stops, both to boast of the good and to dwell on the bad, this first man really didn’t make much progress in life.

The other man was then asked about his sacks. He, too, was excited about the one on his chest, but for a completely different reason.  This is where he kept all of the blessings he’d experienced. It holds all of his positive thoughts about people, and all the great things other people have done for him.  And even though it looks heavy, the weight isn't a problem.  He said the sack is like the sail of a ship. It kept him going forward.  And the sack on his back – that one is empty. He had cut a big hole in its bottom. That's where he put all the bad thoughts he’d ever had of himself or others. They went in one end and out the other. So basically, he didn’t even know that sack was there.

Two men with sacks for their thoughts. One burdened by their heaviness. The other floating on their levity.  Our thoughts aren’t always well-kept secrets. And in this reading, we find that to God, they’re no secret at all.

In the sixth chapter of Luke, we find Jesus and His disciples trying to enjoy a nice quiet Sabbath. However, a few of the local Pharisees found it the perfect opportunity to once again put Jesus to the test.  And this test had everything to do with the actions of Jesus and His disciples on this holy day.  From the provision of food, to the provision of healing, Jesus and His disciples were basically ambushed at every turn.  But was Jesus ever surprised at the days turn of events?  Look at the first part of verse 8 and find out what the Pharisees didn’t know.

But He was aware all along of their thoughts.  Luke 6:8a

Our thoughts are never a mystery to God. He sees quite clearly through our minds eye. And I wonder how often what He sees brings a tear to His own.  Regrets over long-forgotten blunders.  Visions of sins He long ago washed away. Will Rogers once said, 'Don't let yesterday use up too much of today." The apostle Paul wrote, "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind." And Jesus Himself encourages us to come to Him with our sack of heavy burdens and He'll replace it with His perfect rest. 

You've heard the old saying, A penny for your thoughts?  Even knowing what they were, Jesus went to the Cross. And He gave so much more.

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