Every single morning, on the way to school… we pray.
My kids expect this time in the car to be dedicated to inviting God into our hearts and minds as we enter a new day. I love that they have developed this habit of placing their thoughts and actions and emotions in the care of our Lord. Just this morning, my son asked to turn the radio on… and then he immediately changed his tune.
“No, wait! It’s our prayer time. Forget the radio.”
Cassidy agreed, as did I.
And I began to pray.
They listen and take it in. It’s our precious time to offer our fears and worries and people we love up into His welcoming arms. I wind around the needs and events of the day, and always lift up those we love that are struggling. I never miss a morning where I don’t place our lives in His Hands and pour out gratitude for every single blessing He has bestowed upon us. It’s personal. My kids get that. We can’t imagine starting our day any other way.
Without God, we are lost. So we cling to God, as we celebrate victories and ask for protection, intervention, and deliverance.
I always end with something like this:
“Please open my children’s hearts and minds to growing in You, and let them feel your Presence throughout their day. I pray Your Light shines in them and through them, as they go forward into the world. Guide them and assure them that they are loved by You. Always. Forever and ever, we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.”
We delight in His Authority.
We embrace His Divinity.
We praise His Power.
We trust His Plan.
We receive His Grace.
We ask Him in.
Every day.
We don’t do this because we have to.
We don’t do this because it’s a rule or a mandate.
We surely don’t stop our lives and reach toward our Heavenly Father out of any fear of punishment.
We come to Him every day, because we want to.
There’s a big difference.
Many choose God out of duty and obligation.
We choose God out of love and adoration.
Many choose God because of fear and retaliation.
We choose God because we desire His Salvation.
We are deliberate in our delight. Because we trust in Him.
As I launch my children off into the world every day, I feel secure in knowing they are in God’s Hands.
And I am at peace.
I picture them grown and on their way to work, school, anywhere really, as they begin their days in prayerful gratitude and welcome their Loving Heavenly Father into their day. I celebrate with such joy, that they will carry on this well-worn habit in delight, not duty.
If this is the only thing I have taught them, then I have accomplished my mission as a mother.
The rest?
God’s got it.