A Step in the Right Direction

All change begins with one step in a new direction. That step can be taken with great optimism or great reluctance. Whatever the accompanying attitude, moving in a new direction reflects humility and confidence, hope and courage. God draws us into the future, shaping us to be more like Jesus each step of the way. Allow Him to guide you as you step into the future He has planned.

Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.—Galatians 5:25

Prayer: Jesus, You lived by the power of the Spirit, staying in step with Him each day. That's how I want to live, too. What changes do I need to make so that I can live, love, and lead like You? What is my first step? Help me to humbly and confidently step out in faith, faith in Your direction and in Your power to change me. I ask this in Your name, amen.

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