A Time for Peace


Father, thank You that You hold me near to Your heart and You always keep an eye toward Your promises.


2 Samuel 19:8-18


What wisdom do you see in David's response?

This is one of the most challenging periods in the life of David. His political position, and the country as a whole, is very fragile. Absalom is dead, but his forces, led by Amasa (17:25), are still dangerous. David's public image has been irrevocably weakened, and the people of the southern kingdom of Judah, his own kin, are slow to reaffirm their loyalty to him. What can David do?

David's intelligence reports that the tribes of Israel, in the north, are agitating for David's restoration. But Absalom's rebellion would not have been possible without some discontent among those closest to David, in the south. So David appeals to Judah and makes a daring concession in offering the post of commander of the army to Amasa in place of Joab (11-13). It's enough to win him the backing of the men of Judah (14). In this situation, David could have insisted, "I am the rightful king.

Absalom was a rebellious son; you need to apologize and return me to the throne." Instead, he watches, waits and appeals. He concentrates on winning people's hearts rather than on winning the argument.


Are you aware of a relationship that needs restoration? Is this the time to act, or is it time to watch and wait?


Father, You have called us to community. Give me a right heart and wisdom to build well.

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