Acceptance Turns Away Anger

Avoid being hypersensitive to every frown or smile from your husband. At all costs, put away anger if your husband doesn’t follow through on developing the type of relationship you desire. Focus on what you have, not on what you don’t have. No husband will make perfect decisions or be without fault. But using a variety of ways to express genuine appreciation or admiration for your mate can keep him from looking to someone else to meet that need.

Refrain from confronting your husband’s deficiencies in anger. A man has a tendency to fight his conscience, and if you become his conscience, he’ll either fight you or flee from you. Whichever route he takes, you’ve failed in your desire to spend more time with him.

Deciding someone is valuable is a major step in acting out our love for him or her. Love grows out of an attitude of honor.

Your husband might sometimes irritate you, belittle you, offend you, ignore you, or even nauseate you, but admiration looks beyond what he does to who he is. It’s unconditional. Men gravitate toward those who admire them.

Your husband will usually gain more intimacy from what he does with you than from what the two of you talk about. So plan activities each week where you can bond by enjoying each other as you do something together.

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