Today is my 48th birthday.
There’s freedom in aging. When I was in my thirties, a woman shared the following piece of advice. She said, “Jackie, as you age take care of your hair and your shoes. Then no one will notice what’s in between.” I chuckled, then tucked away her advice for another day.
Now that I’m almost 50, I realize the wisdom in what she shared. As many of you know—I have long curly hair. Most people are so busy noticing my unique hair that they forget to focus on my crows feet and wrinkled forehead. I love my hair for its distraction. And because it requires little care which benefits a farm girl like me who doesn't like to primp.
This past month, while in NYC, I bought some sassy red boots. They were a bit more than I liked to spend, but then again the lady did said to take care of my hair and shoes. So, on my birthday, I want to pass along the gift this woman gave to me years ago. As you age, embrace the freedom it affords you. And get a great hair do and some shoes that put a bounce in your step.
Aging is fun.