Lord, I commit myself to You. Give me courage to speak and grace to live out those things that bring life.
Matthew 5:13-20
Do those who encounter you recognize Christ in you?
When Jesus describes his followers as "salt" and "light," he has a single strategy in mind: that we should actively engage with the society and world in which we live. Salt not only flavors food but is also a preservative, fertilizer and disinfectant. We are "salt" when we promote good and hinder evil. Light is only useful when it shines out, and Jesus says that we, too, must show God's love to all by our acts of generosity and self-sacrifice (16). We mustn't be like ships that never put to sea, or soldiers who only work from home!
We do not live by the letter of the law, but in living by the Spirit, the law teaches us God's ways. It gives guidance for all our relationships: with God himself, with other people, and with the whole of creation. God's law is inspired, wonderful and good (Rom. 7:12), guiding us in ways of wisdom, harmony and safety. Without it we are like a train without rails.
In Jesus' time there was no shortage of people who observed God's law to the letter. What do you think he means by saying we should "surpass" their efforts?
Live by the Spirit and use the freedom you have in Christ to live a life that will show the world that Jesus is alive in you.
Lord, let me bring the preserving effect I am called to. Make me like a lighthouse in the storms of those around me.